Hibbs Range
100m Running Deer, 50m Running Boar and then 10m Running Target.
Running Deer Range in the late 1950's. Gravity powered.
Shooting building on Hibbs Range in 1972. Shooting station on the left and warming hut with stove heater on the right.
They were formerly latrine buildings.
Notice the covered firing line to the left rear ...
more about that later.
View from the shooting building.
Hibbs Range circa 1972
Beginning of contruction
Pouring the concrete walls.
Running Target pit area.
This is the Running Boar Range on Hibbs Range circa 1976-77 with two bays.
The RT shooters built the double
bay RT range starting in 1974 and finished it in 1975
utilizing the existing covered concrete firing line mentioned earlier. The NRA then moved the Running
Target National Championships and Team Tryouts to Fort Benning from Phoenix.
Moving target training for USAMU Sniper/Counter Sniper Course circa 1975 using XM-21 rifles.